Campbell Manufacturing Weather Radio TLX106 User Manual

Warranty and Assistance  
The TLX106 WEATHER STATION is warranted by CAMPBELL  
SCIENTIFIC, INC. to be free from defects in materials and workmanship  
under normal use and service for twelve (12) months from date of shipment  
unless specified otherwise. Batteries have no warranty. CAMPBELL  
SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or  
replacing (at CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC.'s option) defective products.  
The customer shall assume all costs of removing, reinstalling, and shipping  
defective products to CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. CAMPBELL  
SCIENTIFIC, INC. will return such products by surface carrier prepaid. This  
warranty shall not apply to any CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. products  
which have been subjected to modification, misuse, neglect, accidents of  
nature, or shipping damage. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties,  
expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a  
particular purpose. CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. is not liable for special,  
indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.  
Products may not be returned without prior authorization. To obtain a  
Returned Materials Authorization (RMA), contact CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC,  
INC., phone (435) 753-2342. After an applications engineer determines the  
nature of the problem, an RMA number will be issued. Please write this  
number clearly on the outside of the shipping container. CAMPBELL  
SCIENTIFIC's shipping address is:  
815 West 1800 North  
Logan, Utah 84321-1784  
CAMPBELL SCIENTIFIC, INC. does not accept collect calls.  
Non-warranty products returned for repair should be accompanied by a  
purchase order to cover the repair.  
815 W. 1800 N.  
Logan, UT 84321-1784  
Phone (435) 753-2342  
FAX (435) 750-9540  
Campbell Scientific Canada Corp.  
11564 -149th Street  
Edmonton, Alberta T5M 1W7  
Phone (780) 454-2505  
FAX (780) 454-2655  
Campbell Scientific Ltd.  
Campbell Park  
80 Hathern Road  
Shepshed, Loughborough  
LE12 9GX, U.K.  
Phone +44 (0) 1509 601141  
FAX +44 (0) 1509 601091  
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TLX106 Weather Station  
Table of Contents  
1. Preparation and Siting  
1.1 Installation Tasks ..................................................................................1-1  
1.1.1 Indoors.........................................................................................1-1  
1.1.2 Outdoors......................................................................................1-1  
1.2 Tools Required......................................................................................1-1  
1.2.1 Tools for Tower Installation........................................................1-2  
1.2.2 Tools for Instrumentation and Maintenance................................1-2  
1.2.3 Supplies for Power and Communications Options......................1-3  
1.3 Siting and Exposure ..............................................................................1-3  
1.3.1 Wind Speed and Direction ..........................................................1-3  
1.3.2 Temperature and Relative Humidity ...........................................1-3  
1.4 Determining True North for Wind Vane Orientation............................1-4  
1.4.1 Prompts from GEOMAG ............................................................1-5  
2. TLX106 Tower Installation  
2.1 Base Installation....................................................................................2-2  
2.1.1 Supplied Components..................................................................2-2  
2.2.2 Installation...................................................................................2-2  
2.2 Tower Installation .................................................................................2-3  
2.2.1 Supplied Components..................................................................2-3  
2.2.2 Installation...................................................................................2-3  
2.3 Tower Grounding..................................................................................2-4  
2.3.1 Supplied Components..................................................................2-4  
2.3.2 Grounding Procedure ..................................................................2-5  
3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
3.1 Enclosure, Datalogger, Power Supply...................................................3-2  
3.1.1 Battery Option Installation ..........................................................3-2  
3.1.2 Solar Panel Installation................................................................3-2  
3.1.3 AC Power Installation .................................................................3-3  
3.1.4 Enclosure Installation..................................................................3-3  
3.2 Sensor Connection ................................................................................3-4  
3.3 Communication and Data Storage Peripherals......................................3-5  
3.3.1 Phone Modems............................................................................3-6  
3.3.2 Short-Haul Modem......................................................................3-7  
3.4 Sealing and Desiccating the Enclosure .................................................3-9  
4. TLX106 Sensor Arm Installation  
4.1 Components ..........................................................................................4-1  
4.2 Installation.............................................................................................4-1  
4.3 Sensor Connection ................................................................................4-2  
4.4 034A Wind Sensor Installation .............................................................4-2  
4.5 RH and Temperature Radiation Shield .................................................4-3  
TLX106 Weather Station Table of Contents  
4.6 Pyranometer ..........................................................................................4-3  
4.7 Sensor Verification and Clock Set.........................................................4-3  
4.8 Sensor Schematics.................................................................................4-4  
5. Software Installation and Settings  
5.1 Measure Sensors and Process Data .......................................................5-1  
5.2 Software Install and Settings.................................................................5-1  
5.3 Create Message......................................................................................5-7  
6. Maintenance and Troubleshooting  
6.1 Maintenance ..........................................................................................6-1  
6.1.1 Instrumentation Maintenance ......................................................6-1  
6.1.2 Batteries.......................................................................................6-1  
6.1.3 Desiccant .....................................................................................6-1  
6.1.4 Sensor Maintenance.....................................................................6-2  
6.2 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................6-3  
6.2.1 No Response Using the Keypad ..................................................6-3  
6.2.2 No Response from Datalogger through SC32A or  
Modem Peripheral..................................................................6-3  
6.2.3 -99999 Displayed in an Input Location .......................................6-4  
6.2.4 Unreasonable Results Displayed in an Input Location................6-4  
1.3-1. Effect of Structure on Wind Flow.....................................................1-4  
1.4-1 Magnetic Declination for the Contiguous United States....................1-5  
1.4-2 Declination Angles East of True North Are Subtracted from  
0 to Get True North.......................................................................1-7  
1.4-3 Declination Angles West of True North Are Added to 0  
to Get True North..........................................................................1-8  
2.1-1 TLX106 Tower Installation................................................................2-1  
2.1-2 TLX106 Tower Base Installation.......................................................2-3  
2.2-1 Raising and Grounding the TLX106 Tower ......................................2-4  
3-1 TLX106 Instrumentation Mounted on the ET Tower...........................3-1  
3.1-1 Rechargeable Power Mounting Connections .....................................3-2  
3.1-2 Solar Panel Mounting.........................................................................3-2  
3.1-3 Mounting and Grounding the TLX106 Enclosure .............................3-4  
3.2-1 Position of Sensor Bulkhead Connectors...........................................3-5  
3.3-1 Phone Modem Mounting and Connections........................................3-6  
3.3-2 Short-Haul Modem Mounting and Connection..................................3-7  
3.3-3 Short-Haul Modem Wiring Diagram .................................................3-9  
3.4-1 Desiccant Installation.......................................................................3-10  
4.2-1 TLX106 Sensor Arm Mounting.........................................................4-1  
4.4-1 Wind and RH/Temperature Sensor Installation .................................4-2  
4.6-1 Pyranometer Leveling........................................................................4-3  
4.8-1 Schematic of HMP45C-LC RH Temperature Probe and  
Connector #1.................................................................................4-5  
4.8-2 Schematic of 034A-LC Wind Speed and Direction Probe and  
Connector #2.................................................................................4-5  
4.8-3 Schematic of LI200X-LC Solar Radiation Sensor and  
Connector #3.................................................................................4-6  
4.8-4 Schematic of TE525-LC Rain Sensor and Connector #5...................4-6  
TLX106 Weather Station Table of Contents  
5.3-1 ProLine software provides an easy-to-use message editor ................5-7  
5.3-2 The available options provided by the source menu are shown ........5-8  
5.3-3 When the weather station source has been chosen, several  
meteorological conditions reported in various units are  
provided under the field menu......................................................5-8  
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Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
These guidelines apply to several Campbell Scientific weather stations.  
1.1 Installation tasks  
1.1.1 Indoors  
Immediately upon receipt of your shipment…  
Open shipping cartons.  
Check contents against invoice. Contact CSI immediately about any  
Several days prior to the planned installation date…  
Collect tools and site information (Section 1)  
Trial run the tower, assembling as much as possible (Section 2)  
Repackage equipment for transport to the field site  
1.1.2 Outdoors  
Locate suitable site (Section 1)  
Prepare tower (Section 2)  
TLX106 Stations:  
Place instrumentation enclosure low on the TLX106 Tower (Section  
Install sensor option (Section 4)  
Slide enclosure to top of tower and secure with correct orientation  
(Section 3)  
1.2 Tools Required  
Tools required to install and maintain a weather station are listed below.  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
1.2.1 Tools for Tower Installation  
All Towers  
Open end wrenches: 3/8", 7/16", ½", (2) 9/16"  
Magnetic compass  
6' Step ladder  
TLX106 Tower  
Tape measure (12’ to 20’)  
Claw hammer  
Level (24” to 36)  
Hand saw  
Materials for concrete form:  
(4) 1" x 2" x 12" stakes  
(2) 2" x 4" x 96" lumber  
(12) 8p double-head nails  
(8) 16p double-head nails  
20 ft form wire  
½ Yard concrete  
Concrete trowel, edger  
Electrical Fish tape or 20 feet of small diameter rope  
1.2.2 Tools for Instrumentation and Maintenance  
All Towers  
Lock and key for enclosure  
Magnetic declination angle (Section 4)  
Magnetic compass  
Straight bit screwdrivers (small, medium, large)  
Phillips-head screwdrivers (small, medium)  
Small diagonal side-cuts  
Needle-nose pliers  
Wire strippers  
Pocket knife  
Volt / Ohm Meter  
Electrical Tape  
Step ladder (6')  
Datalogger prompt sheet  
Station manuals  
Station log and pen  
Open end wrenches: 3/8", 7/16", ½", (2) 9/16"  
Socket wrench and 7/16" deep well socket  
Adjustable wrench  
Conduit and associated tools (as required)  
Felt-tipped marking pen  
Claw hammer  
Pipe wrench (12")  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
1.2.3 Supplies for Power and Communications Options  
AC Power  
Wire, conduit, and junction boxes as needed  
Phone Modem  
Hayes compatible calling modem for PC  
Phone line to weather station or junction box  
Short-Haul Modem  
4 Conductor communications cable from PC to weather station or junction box  
6' copper ground rod and clamp for PC surge protection (optional)  
1.3 Siting and Exposure  
If any part of the weather station comes in contact with  
power lines, you could be killed. Contact local utilities for  
the location of buried utility lines before digging or driving  
ground rods.  
Selecting an appropriate site for the weather station is critical in order to obtain  
accurate meteorological data. In general, the site should be representative of  
the general area of interest, and away from the influence of obstructions such  
as buildings and trees.  
The weather station should not be located where sprinkler irrigation water will  
strike sensors or instrument enclosure.  
Some general guidelines for site selection are listed below, which were  
condensed from EPA (1988)1, WMO (1983)2, and AASC (1985)3 publications.  
1.3.1 Wind Speed and Direction  
Wind sensors should be located over open level terrain, and at a distance of at  
least ten times (EPA) the height of any nearby building, tree or other  
obstruction, as illustrated in Figure 1.3-1.  
1.3.2 Temperature and Relative Humidity  
Sensors should be located over an open level area at least 9 m (EPA) in  
diameter. The surface should be covered by short grass, or where grass does  
not grow, the natural earth surface. Sensors should be located at a distance of  
at least four times the height of any nearby obstruction and at least 30 m (EPA)  
from large paved areas. Sensors should be protected from thermal radiation,  
and adequately ventilated.  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
Situations to avoid include:  
large industrial heat sources  
steep slopes  
sheltered hollows  
high vegetation  
shaded areas  
areas where snow drifts occur  
low places holding standing water after rains  
FIGURE 1.3-1. Effect of Structure on Wind Flow  
1.4 Determining True North for Wind Vane Orientation  
Magnetic declination, or other methods to find True North, should be determined  
prior to installing the weather station. True North is usually found by reading a  
magnetic compass and applying the correction for magnetic declination*; where  
magnetic declination is the number of degrees between True North and Magnetic  
North. Magnetic declination for a specific site can be obtained from a USFA map,  
local airport, or through a computer service offered by the USFS called GEOMAG  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
(Section 1.4.1). A general map showing magnetic declination for the contiguous  
United States is shown in Figure 1.4-1.  
Declination angles east of True North are considered negative, and are subtracted  
from 0 degrees to get True North as shown Figure 1.4-2. Declination angles west  
of True North are con-sidered positive, and are added to 0 degrees to get True  
North as shown in Figure 1.4-3. For example, the declination for Logan, Utah is  
16° East. True North is 360° - 16°, or 344° as read on a compass.  
Other methods employ observations using the North Star or the sun, and  
are discussed in the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution  
Measurement Systems, Volume IV - Meteorological Measurements .  
Subtract declination from 360°  
Add declination to 0°  
FIGURE 1.4-1. Magnetic Declination for the Contiguous United States  
1.4.1 Prompts from GEOMAG  
GEOMAG is accessed by phone with a PC and telephone modem, and a  
communications program such as GraphTerm (PC208 Software). GEOMAG  
prompts the caller for site latitude, longitude, and elevation, which it uses to  
determine the magnetic declination and annual change. The following  
information, menu, and prompts are from GEOMAG:  
GEOMAG is a user-friendly program that provides estimates of the  
geomagnetic field elements, including declination and total field intensity,  
based upon Magnetic Models. The program is accessible by modem.  
Modem Access:  
Modem settings: No parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit (i.e., N81)  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
Telephone numbers:  
Phone Number Baud Rates  
Upon carrier-signal detection, press Return once or twice.  
If you are using one of the commercial numbers, the following prompts will  
appear. Type the responses shown (followed by pressing RETURN):  
c neis  
for Quick Epicenter Determinations (QED)  
for Earthquake Lists (EQLIST)  
for Geomagnetic Field Values (GEOMAG)  
to log out  
Enter program option: M  
Would you like information on how to run GEOMAG (Y/N)? N  
1 = Field Values (D, I, H, X, Z, F)  
2 = Magnetic Pole Positions  
3 = Dipole Axis and Magnitude  
4 = Magnetic Center  
[1] : 1  
Display values twice  
Name of field model  
[N]: press return  
[USCON90]: press return  
[current date]: press return  
: 42/2 N  
: 111/51/2 W  
: 4454 ft  
Example of report generated by GEOMAG:  
Model: USCON90 Latitude: 42/2 N  
Date : 7/27/93  
Longitude: 111/51/2 W  
Elevation: 4454.0 ft  
deg min  
15 59.6  
Annual change:  
0 -6.1  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
Press "Cntrl-Z" to exit GEOMAG.  
When the main menu reappears either select another option or type "X" to  
log out.  
If you used one of the commercial numbers, the GLDSV1> prompt will  
Type "LO" to disconnect.  
Use of GEOMAG is free (except for telephone charges). If possible, please  
avoid using  
GEOMAG between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., mountain time, Monday through Friday.  
The declination in the example above is listed as 15 degrees and 59.6 minutes.  
Expressed in degrees, this would be 15.99 degrees. As shown in Figure 1.4-1,  
the declination for Utah is east, so True North for this site is 360 - 15.99, or  
344 degrees. The annual change is -6.1 minutes.  
FIGURE 1.4-2. Declination Angles East of True North Are Subtracted  
From 0 to Get True North  
Section 1. Preparation and Siting  
FIGURE 1.4-3. Declination Angles West of True North Are Added to 0  
to Get True North  
Section 2. TLX106 Tower Installation  
Do not install near power lines. If any part of the tower  
comes in contact with power lines you could be  
KILLED. Contact local utilities for the location of  
buried utility lines before digging or driving grounding  
Do not fit the 3 meter TLX106 Tower sections together until  
the appropriate time. Once attached, they cannot be  
The TLX106 Tower provides a support structure for mounting the TLX106  
weather station components. Figure 2.1-1 shows a typical TLX106 Tower  
installation option. The tower is designed to withstand winds of 100 mph. The  
lightning rod assembly is attached after the instrumentation enclosure is  
installed (Section 3.1).  
ser upplied  
unction o  
T Tower  
ale o  
Direct ury  
FIGURE 2.1-1. TLX106 Tower Installation  
Section 2. TLX106 Tower Installation  
2.1 Base Installation  
2.1.1 Supplied Components  
(3) ½ inch L-Bolts  
(9) ½ inch Nuts  
(1) Anchor Template  
Refer to Section 1 for components supplied by installer.  
2.1.2 Installation  
1. The TLX106 Tower attaches to a user supplied concrete foundation  
constructed as shown in Figure 2.1-2.  
2. Construct the concrete form with 2" x 4" lumber and 16p nails.  
3. Assemble the template and anchor bolts. There should be two nuts below  
and one nut above the template on each bolt.  
4. Clear an area large enough to set the form at the desired elevation.  
5. Dig a hole 2 feet x 2 feet x 2 feet. Lighter soils may require a deeper  
hole. About 20 inches below the top of the hole, gouge a small cavity in  
one wall of the hole. The cavity should be about 4 inches deep and just  
large enough in diameter to insert one end of the conduit. Make certain  
the cavity "points" in the direction from which power and  
communications cables will come.  
6. Center the form over the hole. Adjacent to the form, drive four stakes  
into the soil. Secure the leveled form to the stakes with the 8p nails.  
7. Cap the ends of the conduit with duct tape. Position the conduit and wire  
into place by securing the wire to nails in the form.  
8. Fill the hole and form with approximately ½ yard of concrete. Screed the  
concrete level with the top of the form. Center the template assembly  
over the conduit and press into the concrete. Put 2 x 4 spacers between  
the template and the top of the form. The bottom of the bolt threads  
should be about ½ inch above the concrete. The template must be level in  
two dimensions. Use a trowel and edger to finish.  
9. Wait 24 hours before removing the concrete form. Wait 7 days before  
mounting the TLX106 Tower.  
Section 2. TLX106 Tower Installation  
T D  
FIGURE 2.1-2. TLX106 Tower Base Installation  
2.2 Tower Installation  
2.2.1 Supplied Components  
(1) Upper Tower Section (Tapered)  
(1) Lower Tower Section  
(6) ½ inch Washers  
(1) 12 foot 12 AWG Ground Cable  
(1) Tower Cap  
(1) 20' communications cable  
(1) 20' power cable  
Refer to Section 1 for components supplied by installer.  
2.2.2 Installation  
Attach the tower to the base as shown in Figure 2.2-1.  
1. Dig a hole close to the concrete base to access the lower conduit opening.  
From the hole, trench to the power and communications sources. Remove  
the duct tape from both ends of the conduit.  
2. Remove the template. Attach the two pieces of the tower. This is a  
permanent connection and cannot be undone. Lay the tower on the  
ground with the base next to the concrete foundation.  
3. Thread communications and power cables through the tower and conduit.  
Electrical fish tape will help.  
Section 2. TLX106 Tower Installation  
4. Cut and save a 9 inch piece of 12 AWG ground wire from the 12 foot  
length provided. Thread the remaining 11 foot ground wire through the  
tower. Secure all wiring so it does not slip back into the tower or conduit.  
5. Place the tower cap over the tower end.  
6. Raise the tower on a still day. Place a washer on top of the two nuts on  
each foundation bolt. Taking great care not to damage cables between the  
tower and conduit, raise the tower and lower it onto the conduit and  
mounting bolts. Install a washer and nut on each bolt and hand tighten.  
Check plumb of the tower by placing a level on the north and east sides of  
the lower tower section. Adjust the topmost of the two lower nuts  
(leveling nut) on each bolt as necessary. When plumb is established, lock  
the leveling nut in place by tightening the lowest nut against it. Tighten  
the three top nuts with the wrench.  
12AWG Wire  
4AWG Cable  
FIGURE 2.2-1. Raising and Grounding the TLX106 Tower  
2.3 Tower Grounding  
2.3.1 Supplied Components  
(1) 5 foot 4 AWG Ground Cable  
(1) Copper Ground Lug, Bolt  
(1) Ground Rod, Clamp  
Refer to Section 1 for components supplied by installer.  
Section 2. TLX106 Tower Installation  
2.3.2 Grounding Procedure  
Ground the tower as shown in Figure 2.2-1.  
1. Place the ground rod clamp on the rod. Secure it about 3 inches from the  
top. Do this before the rod is driven into the ground. Be careful not to  
damage the clamp with the hammer  
2. Taking care not to damage power or communications lines, drive the  
ground rod close to the foundation using a fence post driver or sledge  
hammer. Drive the rod at an angle if an impenetrable hardpan layer  
exists. Soften hard clay soils with water if necessary.  
3. Strip 1 inch of insulation from both ends of the 4 AWG ground cable.  
Strip 1 inch of insulation from the lower end of the 14 AWG ground wire.  
Install the tower grounding lug to the tower base with the 7/16 bolt  
provided (Figure 2.2-1). Loosen the lug's set screw and insert the 4 AWG  
and 14 AWG wire. Tighten the set screw.  
4. Loosen the ground rod clamp. Insert the 4 AWG wire. Tighten the clamp  
(Figure 2.2-1).  
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Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation  
The weather station datalogger, power supply, sensor connection panel, communications  
devices, and data retrieval peripherals are mounted in the TLX106 enclosure at the  
locations shown in Figure 3-1. Components include:  
(1) TLX106 Enclosure  
(1) 4 unit Desiccant Pack  
(1) Flat Point Screw Driver  
(1) Philips Screwdriver  
(1) Power Supply Option  
(1) Telecommunications Option  
(1) 9 inch piece of 12 AWG ground wire  
(1) Lightning rod and clamp  
FIGURE 3-1. TLX106 Instrumentation Mounted on the ET Tower  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
3.1 Enclosure, Datalogger, Power Supply  
3.1.1 Battery Option Installation  
Solar Panel or 16 VAC  
Power Cable  
FIGURE 3.1-1. Rechargeable Power Mounting and Connections  
a) Sealed Rechargeable Battery Option: Install the kit as shown in Figure  
3.1-1. An unregulated solar panel or 17 to 24 VAC must be used with the  
rechargeable battery at all times. In either case, power is routed through  
the Heyco fitting on the enclosure back and connected to the CHG ports  
by depressing connector levers. Polarity of the CHG connection does not  
matter. Install the rechargeable battery and plug the battery lead into the  
connector labeled LA.  
Press the connector levers gently or they might break.  
3.1.2 Solar Panel Installation  
FIGURE 3.1-2. Solar Panel Mounting  
a) Mount the solar panel to the tower using the mounting brackets as shown  
in Figure 3.1-2. Mount the solar panel to the tower so it faces south  
(northern hemisphere). Position it as high off the ground as practical,  
ensuring it cannot interfere with air flow or sunlight around the sensors.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
The solar panel should be oriented to receive maximum insolation over  
the course of the year. Suggested tilt angles (referenced to the horizontal  
plane) are listed below.  
Site Latitude  
0 to 10 degrees  
11 to 20  
Tilt Angle  
10 degrees  
Latitude + 5 degrees  
Latitude + 10 degrees  
Latitude + 15 degrees  
80 degrees  
21 to 45  
46 to 65  
b) After determining the tilt angle, loosen the two bolts that attach the  
mounting bracket to the panel. Adjust the angle, then tighten the bolts.  
Secure the lead wire to the mast using wire ties. Make electrical  
connections as described in 3.1.1a above.  
3.1.3 AC Power Installation  
a) The AC power option includes a 120 VAC to 16 VAC. The transformer  
should be mounted inside a user supplied junction box according to local  
electrical codes. Dangerous electrical accidents may be avoided by  
locating the transformer remotely and burying a low voltage line to the  
station. The low voltage will carry up to 500 feet on an 18 AWG power  
b) Shut off 110 VAC power at the main breaker. Connect the primary leads  
of the transformer to 110 VAC following instructions provided with the  
transformer. Connect a two conductor cable to the secondary terminals of  
the transformer. Route the cable from the transformer to the TLX106  
Enclosure according to local electrical codes.  
3.1.4 Enclosure Installation  
1. Mount and ground the TLX106 enclosure on the TLX106 Tower as  
shown in Figure 3.1-3.  
a) Place the enclosure low on the tower. Do not tighten clamps.  
b) Install the sensor arm (TLX106) as described in Section 4.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
FIGURE 3.1-3. Mounting and Grounding the TLX106 Enclosure  
c) Slide the enclosure to the top of the TLX106 tower. Position it on the  
north side of the tower (northern hemisphere). The top of the  
enclosure should be flush with the top of the tower, with the width of  
the sensor arm extending above the tower. Tighten the clamps until  
the enclosure is snug. Do not over-tighten since doing so may  
damage the tower or enclosure.  
d) Carefully mount the lightning rod and clamp to the top of the  
TLX106 Tower. Clearance between the clamp and the enclosure is  
minimal. Care should be taken not to scratch the enclosure or sensor  
assembly. Strip 1 inch of insulation from the top end of the 12 AWG  
green tower ground wire, curl the end and place the curled end under  
the head of one of the lightning rod clamp bolts. Tighten the bolt.  
e) Strip 1 inch of insulation from each end of the 9 inch piece of 12  
AWG ground wire. Insert one end into the brass ground lug located  
at the top back of the enclosure. Curl the other end and place under  
the head of one of the lightning rod clamp bolts. Tighten the bolt.  
3.2 Sensor Connection  
1) Install the sensor set as described in Section 4.  
2) Remove the protective connector cover from the back of the TLX106  
Enclosure by removing the two phillips head screws. Sensors connect to  
one of seven labeled bulkhead connectors as shown in Figure 3.2-1.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
Stand off  
Connector Sensors  
SDI 12  
CS I/O  
FIGURE 3.2-1. Position of Sensor Bulkhead Connectors  
3) Replace the protective connector cover after sensors are connected and  
power and communications cables are installed. Ensure that all cables  
and connector caps are under the cover before tightening the screws.  
4) Configure sensor switch settings as shown in Figure 3.2-2 if necessary.  
604 Ohm  
100 Ohm  
1 K  
(CS500, HMP45C)  
SW 12V  
(CS500, HMP45C)  
FIGURE 3.2-2. Default Sensor Switch Settings  
3.3 Communication and Data Storage Peripherals  
One communications kit can be mounted to the TLX106 Enclosure back plate.  
Communication kits ordered with the TLX106 Enclosure are pre-mounted and  
pre-wired; no further connections inside the enclosure are necessary. Follow  
the "External Installation" procedures outlined below to make the external  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
If you received a telecommunications kit separate from the TLX106 Enclosure,  
follow the "Internal Installation" procedures outlined below.  
3.3.1 Phone Modems  
Phone modems enable communications between the TLX106 Enclosure and a  
Hayes compatible modem in your PC over a dedicated phone line. Phone line  
surge protection in built into the TLX106 Enclosure.  
P/N 10588 Cable  
RJ11 Patch  
FIGURE 3.3-1. Phone Modem Mounting and Connections Internal Installation  
For installation inside the TLX106 Enclosure, the following components are  
provided in the phone modem kit:  
(1) COM200 or COM300 Phone Modem  
(1) 12 inch RJ-11 Patch Cord  
(1) Mounting Bracket  
(4) Screws  
(1) 12 inch 14 AWG Ground Wire  
Install the phone modem as shown in Figure 3.3-1.  
1. Attach the modem to the modem bracket with the 4 screws provided.  
Mount the modem and bracket into the TLX106 Enclosure with the 3 pre-  
threaded screws on the mounting plate.  
2. Connect the modem 9-pin port to the TLX106 Enclosure port with the  
P/N 10588 ribbon cable supplied with the TLX106 Enclosure.  
3. Connect the modem RJ-ll jack to the TLX106 Enclosure RJ-11 jack with  
the RJ-ll patch cord.  
4. Connect the modem ground port to the TLX106 Enclosure ground with  
the 14 AWG ground wire.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation External Installation  
The following modem kit components are used to make the external  
(1) Direct Burial Splice Kit  
(1) 20 foot Telephone Patch Cord with Connector  
1) Connect the 20 foot patch cord to the connector marked "comm" on the  
external back panel, under the protective cover.  
2) Splice the labeled "Tip" and "Ring" lines of the patch cord to the  
telephone service line. Use the direct burial splice kit when splices are in  
a valve box or buried.  
3.3.2 Short-Haul Modem  
Short-haul modems enable communication between a datalogger and computer  
over two twisted pairs of wires. The maximum distance between modems is  
determined by baud rate and wire gauge. At 9600 baud, the approximate range  
is 4.0 miles. DCE / DTE switches on the modems are set to DCE.  
C A M P B E  
FIGURE 3.3-2. Short-Haul Modem Mounting and Connection Internal Installation  
For installation inside the TLX106 Enclosure, the following components are  
provided in the short-haul modem kit:  
(1) SC932C Interface  
(1) Rad Modem  
(1) Rad/SC932C Mounting Bracket  
(4) Screws  
(1) 12 inch 4-wire patch cable  
Install the short-haul modems as shown in Figure 3.3-2 and 3.3-3.  
1. Mount the Rad / SC932C mounting bracket into the TLX106 Enclosure  
with the 3 pre-threaded screws provided.  
2. Connect the Rad Modem and SC932C. Strap them into the mounting  
bracket under the Velcro strap.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
3. Connect the SC932C 9-pin port to the internal TLX106 Enclosure 9-pin  
port with the blue ribbon cable provided.  
4. Wire the Rad Modem to the TLX106 Enclosure with the 12 inch patch  
cord. Match wire labels to wiring panel labels on both the TLX106  
Enclosure and the Rad Modem (+XMT to +XMT, etc.). A small screw  
driver in provided with the TLX106 Enclosure to access the Rad Modem  
connections. External Installation  
The following short-haul kit components are used to make the external  
At the TLX106 Enclosure:  
(1) 20 foot 4-Wire Patch Cable  
(2) 2 Direct Burial Splice Kits  
(1) Length of User Supplied Wire (Supplier: Anixter, p/n F-02P22BPN,  
Phone 847-677-2600)  
At the PC:  
(1) Rad Modem  
(1) 5 foot 4-wire Patch Cable  
(1) 10 foot 14 AWG Ground Wire  
(1) Surge Protector and Case  
1) Connect the 20 foot patch cable to the connector marked "comm" on the  
external back panel of the TLX106 Enclosure. Splice this cable to the  
user supplied cable, using the direct burial splice kits.  
2) Mount the surge protector to a flat surface near the PC's serial port.  
Ground the center terminal to an earth (or building) ground using the 14  
AWG wire.  
3) Connect the 5 foot patch cord to the Rad Modem. Fasten the cable to the  
strain relief tab with a cable tie. Connect the Rad to the PC's serial port  
either directly (25 pin port) or through a 9 to 25 pin serial converter.  
4) Route the user-supplied cable from the remote splice to the surge  
protector. Connect it and the 5 foot patch cord to the surge protector.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
- RCV (white)  
+ RCV (green)  
- XMT (black)  
+ XMT (red)  
+ RCV (red)  
- RCV (black)  
+ XMT (green)  
- XMT (white)  
To # 8  
External Connector  
+ RCV  
+ RCV (red)  
- RCV (black)  
+ XMT (green)  
- RCV  
- XMT (white)  
+ XMT  
- XMT  
Earth Ground  
FIGURE 3.3-3. Short-Haul Modem Wiring Diagram  
3.4 Sealing and Desiccating the Enclosure  
The TLX106 Enclosure is supplied with a desiccant pack. The desiccant  
maintains a low humidity in the enclosure to minimize the chance of  
condensation on the instrumentation. Desiccant should be changed when the  
internal TLX106 Enclosure humidity sensor measures 30% or higher. Install  
the desiccant as shown in Figure 3.4-1. Keep unused desiccant tightly sealed  
in an airtight container.  
1) Take the desiccant pack out of its sealed plastic bag. Place it under the  
desiccant strap just before leaving the station.  
2) Be sure to close the enclosure hasp securely. A padlock may be used on  
the latch for extra security.  
Section 3. TLX106 Instrumentation Installation  
FIGURE 3.4-1. Desiccant Installation  
Section 4. TLX106 Sensor Arm  
4.1 Components  
(1) TLX106 Sensor Arm  
(1) Met One 034A Wind Sensor  
(1) 034A Mounting Shaft  
(1) Radiation Shield  
4.2 Installation  
Install the TLX106 Sensor Arm after the Enclosure is mounted low on the  
Tower. You may need to temporarily remove communications option. Mount  
the sensor arm as shown in Figure 4.2-1 without the wind sensor attached.  
ET Sensor  
ET Enclosure  
FIGURE 4.2-1. TLX106 Sensor Arm Mounting  
1) Remove the cover from the Enclosure.  
2) Place the sensor arm on top of the enclosure, lining up the four threaded  
holes on the under side of the arm with the four holes in the top of the  
enclosure. Attach the arm to the enclosure by inserting and tightening  
four Phillips head screws. Adjust the position of the Enclosure so that the  
sensor arm is oriented along a due east to due west axis.  
Section 4. TLX106 Sensor Arm Installation  
4.3 Sensor Connection  
Refer to Section 3 for sensor connection details.  
4.4 034A Wind Sensor Installation  
Install the 034A Wind Sensor as shown in Figure 4.4-1 after the sensor arm is  
securely installed. The wind vane is oriented after the datalogger has been  
programmed, and the location of True North has been determined (Section  
1.2). Orientation is most easily done with two people, one to aim and adjust  
the sensor, while the other observes the wind direction displayed by CR10KD  
Keyboard Display or a laptop PC.  
FIGURE 4.4-1. Wind and RH/Temperature Sensor Installation  
1) Place the 034A in the 034A Mounting Shaft pointing the vane due south.  
Tighten the alignment screw.  
2) Attach the 034A and mounting shaft to the sensor arm. Insert the  
mounting shaft into the U-bolt clamp. Adjust sensor height to 2 or 3  
meters by moving the mounting shaft up or down in the clamp. Lightly  
tighten clamp nuts.  
3) Attach the 034A connector to the 034A.  
4) Establish a reference point on the horizon for True North.  
5) Sighting down the instrument center line, aim the counter weight at True  
6) While holding the wind vane position, slowly rotate the sensor base until  
the sensor is aligned properly. Securely tighten the clamp nuts.  
Section 4. TLX106 Sensor Arm Installation  
4.5 RH and Temperature Radiation Shield  
Mount the radiation shield to the sensor arm as shown in Figure 4.4-1.  
Remove yellow cap. Place the RH and temperature assembly inside the shield  
shaft. Attach the shield to the sensor arm with the two screws.  
4.6 Pyranometer  
Level the pyranometer as indicated in Figure 4.6-1. Adjust the three leveling  
screws until the bubble level indicates plumb. Remove the red cap from the  
FIGURE 4.6-1. Pyranometer Leveling  
4.7 Sensor Verification and Clock Set  
Check the measurements of all sensors after the datalogger is programmed.  
Display measurements using the *6 Mode with the CR10KD.  
Section 4. TLX106 Sensor Arm Installation  
Normal Range  
Temperature (°C)  
Close to air  
0 to 1.2 kW m-2  
Solar Radiation  
(kW m-2)  
Air Temperature (°C)  
RH (%)  
-40° to +50°  
0 to 100%  
Wind Speed (mph)  
Rain Fall (inches)  
Wind Direction (°)  
Battery (Volt)  
0 to 110 mph  
0 to .2  
0 to 359  
9.6 to 14.0 Volts  
-40° to +122°  
Air Temperature (°F)  
Enclosure RH  
0% to 30% when  
sealed for several  
Display and set clock time using the *5 mode with the CR10KD.  
4.8 Sensor Schematics  
Schematics of TLX106 sensors and associated connectors are provided in  
Figures 4.8-1, 4.8-2, 4.8-3, and 4.8-4 for help in troubleshooting. Knowledge  
of the schematics is not necessary for routine installation and maintenance.  
Section 4. TLX106 Sensor Arm Installation  
Air Temperature and  
Relative Humidity  
Relative Humidity (0-1VDC)  
Air Temperature (0-1VDC)  
Not Used  
1 H  
1 L  
12V Switched Supply  
Analog Ground  
12VDC Switched  
FIGURE 4.8-1. Schematic of HMP45C-LC RH and Temperature Probe and Connector #1  
Wind Speed and Wind Direction  
10K OHM  
1K OHM  
Wind Direction  
Signal Return  
10K OHM  
Analog Ground  
Wind Speed  
Activated Reed  
FIGURE 4.8-2. Schematic of 034A-LC Wind Speed and Direction Probe and Connector #2  
Section 4. TLX106 Sensor Arm Installation  
3 H  
Solar Radiation  
40.2 - 90.2 OHM  
3 L  
Not Used  
Not Used  
Not Used  
FIGURE 4.8-3. Schematic of LI200X-LC Solar Radiation Sensor and Connector #3  
Tipping Rain Bucket  
Not Used  
Not Used  
Not Used  
Activated Reed  
FIGURE 4.8-4. Schematic of TE525-LC Rain Sensor and Connector #5  
Section 5. Software Installation and  
5.1 Measure Sensors and Process Data  
A pre-written datalogger program (PN 14079) comes installed in the  
TLX106. This program sets the scan rate, measures the sensors,  
processes internally and stores the data. This program will be factory  
corrected for the station’s latitude, longitude, elevation, and standard  
time meridian, and then downloaded to the station before shipping.  
5.2 Software Install and Settings  
Install Proline and make sure to select the Weather Source install using  
the install procedure. The user must have purchased the Weather  
Source as an option to their ProLine software package.  
Install LoggerNet according to the manual (refer to the LoggerNet  
manual). Set up the communication link to the logger with the Network  
Editor as shown below. (This is for the phone modem with AC  
powered station; other setup combinations may vary slightly, but they  
will be very similar.) Start the LoggerNet server by clicking on the blue  
icon. Make sure Communications Enabled is checked and the proper  
Com Port Connection is selected. Enter 10 seconds in the Extra  
Response Time box. Click on the Apply button and proceed to the next  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
Here again the Communications Enabled button must be selected. Then  
select the proper Modem Type and zero out the Extra Response Time.  
Then press Apply and continue to the next step.  
Here again the Communications Enabled must be selected. Then add  
the appropriate Phone Number. Then zero out the Maximum Time On  
Line box. This will make the maximum time on line indefinite. Leave  
the Packet Size and Extra Response Time at default. Then press Apply  
and continue to the next step.  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
The final termination must be to a CR10X-TD logger. The Proline will  
default to work with a logger named ‘lgr1’, but you can change this  
default if you want to name your logger something else. Change the  
logger name here and then refer to the RDE extra settings to make sure  
you change the name there so that the RDE will be able to find the  
logger with the appropriate data. Then zero out the Maximum Time On  
Line, leave the Packet Size and Extra Response Time at default. Set  
your Security Code options. They may be left at the default if desired.  
Here the user will normally want to select a Collection Interval of 1  
second, a Primary Retry Interval of 10 seconds, a Number of Primary  
Retries at 3, and a Secondary Retry Interval of 2 minutes. Longer times  
may be entered, but this may effect the RDE settings if the collection  
interval is longer than 1 or 2 minutes. If your Collection Interval is set  
higher to conserve power, you will want to hang up and redial, as the  
phone modem in the weather station is the major power consumer (140  
ma active and .12 ma when inactive). For the station to hang up, the  
Keep Logger On Line” box must be deselected in the extra settings of  
the RDE mentioned later in this manual. For now, do not enable data  
collection by selecting the Scheduled Collection Enable” box until  
after you set up the extra settings in the RDE. For now, press the Apply  
button, close the Network Editor, and continue.  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
If not already started, start the LoggerNet server by double clicking the  
blue icon. Then start the Control Panel. It should automatically  
connect to the server. Then select the appropriate logger and click on  
the Connection bar. The computer should initiate and connect with the  
station. Then pull down the Options menu, go to Advanced, and then  
select Update Table Definitions. This procedure may take a minute as  
the weather station updates LoggerNet. Once it is complete, you may  
disconnect and close the Control Panel.  
Now open the RDE Manager usually through the Start, Programs,  
Proline, Proline Utilities, RDE Manager. All the RDE sources you  
purchased and installed should appear. Three of them are related to the  
Weather Source. Select the Weather Extremes, Weather Parameters,  
and Weather Basics sources. Then click on the Extra Settings button  
beside one of the sources. You only need to do this for one of these  
three sources because the extra settings is tied to all three. If you  
change the extra settings in one, it will change them in all three.  
RDE (Extra Settings)  
The IP or Internet address of the computer  
that is running LoggerNet is entered here.  
In the case shown, LoggerNet is running on  
the same computer as the RDE.  
This will almost always be 6789. It is an  
option that may be used in future versions of  
this program. For now just leave it as 6789.  
Your LoggerNet user name is entered here.  
The password you entered in LoggerNet, if  
Logger Name”  
The name of the logger, which is essentially  
the weather station, is entered here. Default  
is lgr1. The name of the logger is set in Net  
Admin of LoggerNet.  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
Keep Logger On Line” This is used to force LoggerNet to stay  
connected to the station the entire time the  
LoggerNet server is open. This is desirable  
when there are short collection intervals.  
The default settings are shown below. The Host is the computer that is  
running LoggerNet. This is why the LocalHost” is shown in this case  
as LoggerNet is running on the same machine as the RDE. The Port  
setting will almost always be set to 6789. The User name and Password  
are for LoggerNet security. The Logger Name must be the name of the  
logger previously set up in the Net Admin. This will allow the  
LoggerNet program to communicate with other loggers (not interfaced  
with the sign) and allow the user to select the name for the logger that  
sign data will come from. The Keep Logger Online check box will  
allow the user to force the LoggerNet server to connect to the station  
and stay connected. This is desirable when the collection interval in Net  
Admin is set to 1 or 2 minute or less. It may be unchecked so that a  
slower collection interval may be used. This will decrease the power  
consumption of the station in case a solar panel is used. It has proven  
useful in AC powered stations as well when AC power is unreliable and  
the sign/station administrator will be gone for an extended period of  
time (weekend). They can set the collection interval to a longer one and  
make it so that the logger will connect every 15 minutes or so. This  
way if the power does go out for a couple of days, the modem won’t run  
the battery down too low.  
Put the LoggerNet server in the startup menu so that it is started each  
time the computer is booted. This will cause the station to  
automatically re-establish connections with the sign when an auto  
reboot is done.  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
Now reopen Net Admin and go to the logger previously set up. Now  
we will check to see if the Table Definitions have updated correctly by  
going to the Data Collection tab. It could look like the following  
Now select the Scheduled Collection tab again. Here you need to  
enable the scheduled collection by selecting the Scheduled Collection  
Enabled box. Note: if the LoggerNet server is open, it will probably  
initiate connection to the station as soon as this is enabled. You can  
close the server by right clicking on the blue icon in the lower right-  
hand corner of your screen and selecting Close. It may give you a  
warning, just press OK or Yes. Now close Net Admin and you’re ready  
to reboot the system so everything will take effect. The LoggerNet  
changes take effect almost immediately, but the extra settings in the  
RDE always require a reboot before they will take effect.  
When your system comes back up, LoggerNet should automatically  
start (if you put it in the start up menu) and connect to the weather  
station. It may hang up a few times, but after five minutes or so it  
should connect and stay connected if the Keep Logger Online button  
has been selected in the extra RDE settings. Data is now available for  
message creation.  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
5.3 Create Message  
Perform the following steps using the Message Editor provided in  
ProLine Software:  
1. Type the message in the area indicated in Figure 5.3-1.  
2. Move cursor to where you want data inserted.  
3. Select a source from the Source pull-down menu (Figure 5.3-2).  
4. Select the desired field (Figure 5.3-3).  
5. Click on the white cross (Figure 5.3-1) and the data stored in the  
selected field will be inserted into the message where the cursor is  
Enter the message  
that will appear on  
the sign here.  
The font of the  
message and  
data are chosen  
Pull-Down Menu  
Click on this to insert the  
data into the message.  
FIGURE 5.3-1. ProLine software provides an easy-to-use message editor.  
Section 5. Software Installation and Settings  
FIGURE 5.3-2. The available options provided by the source menu are shown.  
FIGURE 5.3-3. When the weather station source has been chosen, several meteorological  
conditions reported in various units are provided under the field menu.  
Section 6. Maintenance and  
These guidelines apply to several Campbell Scientific weather stations.  
6.1 Maintenance  
Proper maintenance of weather station components is essential to obtain  
accurate data. Equipment must be in good operating condition, which requires  
a program of regular inspection and maintenance. Routine and simple  
maintenance can be accomplished by the person in charge of the weather  
station. More difficult maintenance such as sensor calibration, sensor  
performance testing (i.e., bearing torque), and sensor component replacement,  
generally requires a skilled technician, or that the instrument be sent to  
Campbell Scientific or the manufacturer.  
A station log should be maintained for each weather station that includes serial  
numbers, dates that the site was visited, and maintenance that was performed.  
6.1.1 Instrumentation Maintenance  
The instrumentation requires a minimum of routine maintenance. A few  
preventative maintenance steps will optimize battery life and decrease the  
chances of datalogger failure.  
6.1.2 Batteries  
6.1.3 Desiccant  
Rechargeable power supplies should be connected to an AC transformer or  
unregulated solar panel at all times. Be aware of battery voltage that  
consistently decreases over time, which indicates a failure in the charging  
Enclosure humidity is monitored in the ET Enclosure systems by an RH chip  
incorporated into the connector board. Change the desiccant packs when the  
enclosure RH exceeds 35%.  
Desiccant may be ordered through Campbell Scientific (DSC 20/4) or item  
Desiccant packs inside of the dataloggers do not require replacement under  
normal conditions.  
Section 6. Maintenance and Troubleshooting  
6.1.4 Sensor Maintenance  
Sensor maintenance should be performed at regular intervals, depending on the  
desired accuracy and the conditions of use. A suggested maintenance schedule is  
outlined below.  
1 week  
Check the pyranometer for level and contamination. Gently clean, if  
Visually inspect the wind sensors and radiation shield.  
1 month  
Check the rain gage funnel for debris and level.  
Do a visual/audio inspection of the anemometer at low wind speeds.  
Check the filter of the temperature/humidity sensor for contamination.  
General Maintenance  
An occasional cleaning of the glass on the solar panel will improve its  
Check sensor leads and cables for cracking, deterioration, proper routing,  
and strain relief.  
Check the tripod or tower for structural damage, proper alignment, and for  
6 months  
Clean the temperature/humidity sensor.  
Clean the Gill Radiation Shield.  
1 year  
Replace anemometer bearings.  
Calibrate the rain gage.  
Calibrate the HMP45C probe.  
2 years  
Calibrate the pyranometer (some users suggest yearly).  
Calibrate the HMP45C temperature/humidity sensor.  
Replace the wind vane potentiometer and bearings.  
4 - 5 years  
Replace sensor cables as required.  
Rain Gage Calibration Check  
1. Secure a metal can that will hold at least one quart of water.  
Section 6. Maintenance and Troubleshooting  
2. Punch a very small hole in the bottom of the can.  
3. Place the can in the top funnel of the rain gage and pour 16 fluid ounces  
(1 pint) of water into the can. (A 16 oz. soft drink bottle filled to within  
2.5 inches of the top may be used for a rough field calibration. An exact  
volume will allow for a more precise calibration).  
4. If it takes less than 45 minutes for this water to run out, the hole in the can  
is too large.  
5. One hundred tips plus or minus three tips should occur.  
6. Adjusting screws are located on the bottom adjacent to the large center  
drain hole. Adjust both screws the same number of turns. Rotation  
clockwise increases the number of tips per 16 oz. of water; counter  
clockwise rotation decreases the number of tips per 16 oz. of water. One  
half turn of both screws causes a 2% to 3% change.  
7. Check and re-level the rain gage lid.  
6.2 TroubleShooting  
6.2.1 No Response Using the Keypad  
Check keypad response after each of the following steps.  
A. Make sure the battery has been installed, and the power switch, if any, is  
B. Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage on the 12 V and G terminals; the  
voltage must be between 9.6 and 16 VDC.  
C. Disconnect any sensor or peripheral wires connected to the 5 V and 12 V  
D. Disconnect any communications or storage peripherals from the  
E. Reset the datalogger by turning the power switch to "OFF", then to "ON"  
or disconnect the solar panel or switch off AC power to the station then  
disconnect and reconnect the battery. Remember to reconnect the solar  
panel or switch on the AC power.  
F. If still no response, call Campbell Scientific.  
6.2.2 No Response from Datalogger through SC32A or Modem  
At the datalogger:  
A. Make sure the battery has been installed, and the power switch, if any, is  
B. Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage on the 12 V and G terminals; the  
voltage must be between 9.6 and 16 V DC.  
C. Make sure the datalogger is connected to the modem, and the modem is  
properly configured and cabled.  
Section 6. Maintenance and Troubleshooting  
At the computer:  
D. Make sure the Station File is configured correctly.  
E. Check the cable(s) between the serial port and the modem. If cables have  
not been purchased through Campbell Scientific, check for the following  
configuration using an ohm meter:  
25-pin serial port:  
computer end  
modem end  
9-pin serial port:  
computer end  
modem end  
F. Make sure the modem is properly configured and cabled (Section 6.6).  
G. If still no response, call Campbell Scientific.  
6.2.3 -99999 Displayed in an Input Location  
A. Make sure the battery voltage is between 9.6 and 16 VDC.  
B. With the TLX106, verify that the sensor is connected to the proper  
bulkhead connector.  
6.2.4 Unreasonable Results Displayed in an Input Location  
A. Inspect the sensor for damage and/or contamination.  
B. Make sure the sensor is properly wired to the datalogger.  
C. Check the multiplier and offset parameters in the measurement  

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